Find out Details about our Seminars and Workshops Below
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What Students will Experience and Learn in our 3 Required Seminars
- Soldering/Circuitry Part 1 -Soldering with lead-free solder with practice boards and wires (this is a crucial skill to learn for kids who want to deal with electronics, as you cannot just put tape on everything!) Students will learn how to solder correctly and accurately under experience instructors. One of the most important seminars for Drone Building!
- Soldering/Circuitry Part 2 - This is a continuation off of Part 1 mentioned above. In this seminar, students will be challenged in their soldering skills and will receive more crucial practice in soldering under instructor supervision and instruction. Another important seminar for Drone Building!
- Drone Theory - An overview of how drones work from base principles (motors, flight controllers, ESCs, communication instruments), their applications, and how to actually construct them from scratch. Students will also learn sources about where to get parts from and which tutorials to follow from.
After completion of the 3 required seminars: (Soldering & Circuitry Part 1 & 2/ Drone Theory), students will "graduate" and then move onto the Drone Workshops where 3-4 "graduated" students come together to build real high-quality FPV drones with an approved mentor.
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